Before mon's start to babling over here its much better or maybe its not too late for mon's to wish all muslim Happy Fasting....RAMADHAN , month fulled with
Hopefully we all can make it till the very end of this month...,no skippin'
Hurm... in this post i'll tell u all what happen around my life in this previous sucks week...
So stressfull...
my rent house,
my housemates,
my clique,
my family,
my bills,
makes me tensed enough...
a copule weeks full with problems....
but what a lifes without a problem rite...?
arghhh... it can't be helped man....

HUh , ive skipped so many class as usual, my life seem like preety normal but in the the other sides its sucks...
my rent house problems=
.TNb bills..
.Internet bill havent payed.. total sum = RM6++
.groceries ...
Things happens in my house=

.matt a.k.a penyu havent go to the class.. lazy to wake up in the morning..We always try the best to wake him up but in the end he doesn't want to wake up..
after we all back from class.. he ultimately became like a shit scolding everyone for not waking him up.. huh...? wtf man...

. Mok trying to avoid the "IKAN" title
haha..seems not to be look alike a problems huhuh.. :P
This semester mok got a new gf.. so every nite he go to bed early.. playin' message with his gf.. we all the friends have been abandon..he neglect us...?

.Lee making his shit assignment, taking picture of his helmet without a model(who seems mons has actually been appointed to be his model but in the end....nothin')
.Baba who is my housemates classmates also my friends, have been stayed at our house since the lasts couple weeks ago seems going well with us..(no picture)

.Nik like always making his own ways of life.. acting like nothing . ah.. does it concern me..?(ade aku kesah..? )

.Petak have been "farting"around my house.. gave us such a smelly gas.. always asking me with stupid question that can makes me got stomach ache.. grrr...
Things happen around my friends=

.Nob seems to more stingy than ever in the fasting month.. He doesn't gave us to "copot" him.

.Adib a.k.a donkey have been skipped the class for 2 weeks .. such a shit jelous seyh../.
.Akip have been through some minor operation on his ass(don't laugh) eventhough ive been laughing his around .. huhuhu lalala~;'(i've none his picture)

.adi seems be like normal. but i saw an japannese actor who looks like him..the movie title is CROWS ZERO 2
.Panda seems been like shit.. become shitter than ever...so annoying..(i've none of his picture)

.Mawi been like always buzzing around in my house.. the best of the all, he came all the way at night to my house to watch porn film in this honorable month.. huh.. what kind of the attitude laa...?
My family...=
*seems its better for me not to tell this rite.It is better to keep it by myself.

Erm.. i think i can only afford to type till this only due to the network timeout.. hahaha
(katekyo hitman reborn)....AUTOMON TRANSMON>>>I"AM BUMBLEMON
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